“The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts…He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher – in some degree…”

-John Maynard Keynes

A list of all of Doc Werlin’s writings pertaining to economics.

Derivatives’ Destructive Role

By |2021-10-11T14:53:00+00:00February 25th, 2010|Categories: Economics|Tags: |

Derivatives’ Destructive Role in the global marketplace In my studies of the European conquest of Native Americans, I leaned how a relatively few invaders could subdue millions. Europeans possessed several formidable advantages, including rifles [...]

Lessons from the Greek Fiscal Crisis

By |2021-09-20T18:19:02+00:00January 1st, 2010|Categories: Economics|Tags: |

Introduction In the aftermath of the Greek fiscal crisis, there needs to be a realistic assessment of the “lifetime superpower” assumptions that have dominated political actions in most advanced economic states. Specifically, capitalistic countries [...]

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