Today’s WSJ revealed the results of a survey conducted by Kaiser Family Foundation along with the American Health Association.

My Summary of Major points

The average annual cost of an employer family plan in 2014 was $17,545. The cost in 2000 was slightly over $5,000.

While there is some slowdown in growth in premiums since the 2008-2009 recession, the increases are still more than double the general inflation rate

Deductible for single coverage last year was $1,318 vs. $917 five years ago.

Employees pay about 29% of the costs borne by the employer.

My Conclusion

Health care costs have decimated most Americans. The absolute number and the rate of increase are unsustainable.

In my judgment, focusing on solving our health care costs, improving the education level of our population, and solving our immigration problems should be the primary talking points in our upcoming 2016 elections.

Originally published in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune