The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce awarded Team Tony Cancer Foundation the Small Business of the Year Award. For many years, I have been actively involved with Team Tony, CTAC (Coming Together Against Cancer) and The Ernest and Eloise Werlin Park. My passionate involvement stems from the heavy price cancer has inflicted on my family, friends and myself.

In the United States alone, more than one million people are diagnosed with cancer each year — it is the second-leading cause of death. One out of three women and one out of two men can expect to develop cancer at some point during their lifetimes in the U.S.

Team Tony’s website hit the nail on the head. “There are three words that can stop time and change your life in an instant, ‘You have cancer.’” When you hear these words, fear, denial, sadness, and other emotions are a common response.

In 2010, after overcoming his battle with brain cancer, Tony McEachern felt compelled to use his experience to raise awareness about the critical need for a peer-to-peer program that supports those diagnosed with cancer. He believed more needed to be done to help cancer fighters stay engaged in active and goal-oriented living and have the support they needed to thrive and survive cancer.

Tony, with his friend and fellow cancer survivor, Lori Kayser, founded Team Tony Cancer Foundation to ensure no one on Florida’s Suncoast has to face cancer alone.

Team Tony pairs a cancer fighter with a cancer survivor, or Teammate (similar diagnosis, gender and age) to provide insight, inspiration, and peer-to-peer support. They also match caregivers who need support as they help their loved one going through cancer.

Since its founding, through Team Tony Cancer Foundation, hundreds of those facing cancer have been matched with a cancer survivor or caregiver. In addition, approximately 200 cancer fighters have received a medical grant through the Medical Assistance Program ($1,500 per patient.)

In 2019, Team Tony Cancer Foundation opened the Cancer Connection Center, a true paradigm shift in cancer support. Unlike doctor’s offices, treatment facilities, and hospitals which are often cold, clinical, and sterile, the Cancer Connection Center is a safe, warm, supportive and empowering environment designed to deliver peer-to-peer support, free resources and education to enhance the well-being of those impacted by cancer. The Center houses Team Tony Cancer Foundation, Cancer Resource Network, Breast Investigators and CTAC (Coming Together Against Cancer). Cancer support groups Men 2 Men, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Stitch & Chat and Knitted Knockers also use the Center.

Team Tony Teammates (survivor or caregiver) have experienced cancer and can share their experiences with the cancer fighter or caregiver. The Teammates go through a training at the Center, facilitated by Lori Kayser, to help them feel confident in their role. The training provides guidelines, such as not giving medical advice, and how to support someone in challenge. Teammates learn how to empower and support those facing such a difficult time in their lives.

I was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia in 2006 and colon cancer in 2017. While going through colon cancer, Team Tony provided much needed guidance, inspiration and support. I experienced firsthand how support from those that have been there can make a difference in the difficult journey of cancer.

The words, “You have cancer” are terrifying and have life changing ramifications. Reading the testimonials about how Team Tony has changed so many people’s lives, proves we are blessed to have an organization that provides emotional, educational and financial resources for our cancer community.

If you’re a cancer survivor, cared for someone with cancer, or need cancer support, please contact Team Tony. Their website is

Originally published in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune