The rapid escalation in the number of coronavirus victims has prompted policy makers in Europe and the United States to take or advocate corrective actions. On Saturday, the British prime minister introduced regulations that effectively put his country in lockdown. He said, “The virus is spreading even faster than the reasonable worst-case scenarios of our scientific advisers.” All 20 countries with the highest rates of new COVID-19 cases over the last week are in Europe.

Coronavirus cases in the United States have surged to all-time highs. We now have more than 9 million known infections, more than any other country. New cases in the United States are being diagnosed at more than one per second.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has emphasized his ability to steer the nation through the coronavirus pandemic. Biden promises to “let science drive our decisions.” He wants a “national mask mandate.” By contrast, President Donald Trump has accused the news media of exaggerating its danger to hurt him politically. He highlighted that the U.S. economy grew at a record 7.4% between July and September.

The World Health Organization warned that Europe is “well behind” in its battle against the second wave of the virus. Nearly half of the world’s new daily coronavirus cases are now occurring in Europe. Germany, Poland, Switzerland, and Slovenia and the Czech Republic have reported new records in their daily cases.

Because COVID-19 outbreaks have reached record highs, France and Germany have initiated lockdowns. Ireland and Wales have already imposed nationwide lockdowns. French President Emmanuel Macron implemented policies that people would be allowed to leave home only for essential work or medical reasons. Macron said, “France must brutally apply the brakes to avoid being submerged by the acceleration of the epidemic.” Macron also warned, “The second wave will probably be stronger and deadlier than the first one.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel encouraged leaders of the nation’s 16 states to tighten business restrictions, closing bars, clubs and restaurants. Because Merkel’s recommendations focus on social contact and restaurants, the German media nicknamed her actions “lockdown light.”

To lessen the economic damage of the restrictions, both France and Germany will allow factories and schools to remain open.

On Oct. 23, the U.S. set a new single-day record of 83,753 cases. As the weather gets colder and the virus has migrated from metropolitan regions to more rural settings, health experts have advocated partial lockdowns of our economy.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former commissioner for the Food and Drug Administration, said it was unlikely to see widespread stay-at-home orders that we experienced earlier this year because the public is unwilling to accept such measures. However, he advocated targeted restrictions such as curfews and dining restrictions in cities where COVID-19 outbreaks are intense.

Although a surge in coronavirus infections is forcing restrictive policies in the U.S. and Europe, China has achieved normalcy. China reported that its economy expanded by 4.9% in the third quarter. Bars and restaurants are bustling, subway trains are packed and live spectator sports have resumed.

China’s success reflects its centralized epidemic response system. They took remedial action such as shutting down public transport and forcing their populace to wear facemasks much sooner than European and American policy makers.

Given the pandemic’s economic impact, policymakers in Europe and the U.S. must cushion the financial burden.

On Thursday, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Trump expressed hopes for action on economic relief legislation immediately following the election.

The surge in COVID-19 cases is unrelenting. Gov. Tony Evers of Wisconsin summed it up: “There is no way to sugarcoat it: We are facing an urgent crisis, and there is an imminent risk to you, your family members, your friends and your neighbors.”

Originally published in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune