The reclosing of eleven Apple stores in four states on Friday highlighted the growing concerns that the coronavirus is gaining ground. Scientists have expressed anxieties that the U.S. has replaced Italy and China as the global hotspot. Currently, we lead the world in both confirmed coronavirus cases (2,208,809) and deaths (118,858), according to John Hopkins University. Nationwide, cases have risen 15 percent over the last two weeks.

As of Friday, according to the World Health Organization, 21 states have experienced an increase in their average daily new cases. Florida had its third straight day breaking single-day records. Stated differently, the best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is social distancing and frequently cleaning your hands.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, said that instead of waves, the country was likely to experience a long stretch of cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

Apple has taken a more cautious approach to its store operations than other retailers. Earlier than most firms, it closed nearly 270 stores in the U.S. in March. When Apple recently reopened, it required both staff and customers to wear masks and undergo temperature checks.

The stock market, heretofore a bright spot, witnessed a meaningful swing to the downside. On Friday, the Dow closed down 208 points, erasing an earlier gain of 378 points. The trigger for the collapse was the Apple announcement.

At every executive level, the decision over reopening remains problematic. On the one hand, the economic costs of remaining closed are stifling. On the other hand, the possibility that additional tens of thousands of lives will be forfeited is the price.

Sadly, because some 30 million Americans have lost their jobs, many of them are willing to risk death given the alternative of losing their homes and going hungry. Former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey summed up the crisis on CNN. Christie said, “Of course, everybody wants to save every life they can — but the question is, toward what end, ultimately?”

The American public is divided. Unfortunately, in the absence of vast nationwide testing and tracing operations, we lack a coherent national strategy. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Trump’s top coronavirus task adviser, admitted that he does not know the assumptions behind the new models. He said on CNN, “It is the balance of something that is a very difficult choice putting the bargain in the form of a question the American people must resolve. Fauci furthermore asked, “How many deaths and how much suffering are you willing to accept to get back to what you want to be, some form of normality, sooner rather than later?”

On Friday, the World Health Organization warned that “the world is in a new and dangerous phase” as the global pandemic accelerates. The world experienced the previous day 150,000 new cases, the largest rise yet in a single day. Moreover, the Americas rather than Asia or Europe represent the greatest worry. Nearly half of coronavirus infections were in the Americas. United States and Brazil have experienced a surge in cases.

To combat the problem, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of masks as a protective measure.

Over the past weekend, I celebrated my 76th birthday. Several years ago I underwent chemotherapy to prevent a recurrence of colon cancer. Thus, on a personal basis, I applaud Apple’s proactive steps because of my high risk to experience serious illness from COVID-19. Apple executives do not want their stores to fuel an outbreak of the pandemic.

For most of my life, I heard the expression, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Possibly we need to amend that to say, “Closing Apple keeps the doctor away.”

Originally published in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune