Introduction: As many people know I dislike President Trump on a personal basis. I voted for the Libertarian Candidate in 2016 and will probably cast another throw away vote in 2020. My attitude toward Trump stems from the fact that he is vulgar, disregards the spirit of the American Constitution, a womanizer, a bully, used his family to pursue the financial interests of the Trump family etc.

Therefore, why do I oppose his impeachment? As I will show, if we lower the bar in his case, we have to understand going forward many presidents will be impeached. I am going to provide many instances in the past where great American presidents have grossly interfered in the domestic affairs of other sovereign nations. Thus, in hindsight, these presidents should have been impeached under our new standards. However, we all would oppose the impeachment of many of these men

Let us assume that Trump “ordered the Ukrainian government to investigate the Bidens.” We need to look at the action of Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Hunter Biden, not a government official, was on a plane with the Vice President on their visit to Ukraine. Subsequently, Hunter Biden received $50,000 per month as a member of directors of Burisma Holdings, its largest natural gas company. Hunter received this money for his advice on “legal issues, corporate finance, and strategy” during a five-year term on the board. Here are legitimate questions: 1) Did other members of the board receive $50,000 per month? I have served on the board of 5 companies and never heard where one member got remuneration significantly above other board members 2) Hunter had no expertise in the “gas” business 3) Hunter never visited Ukraine for company business during that time!

Historical Actions of Other Presidents that would be impeachable offenses under today’s mind set

Theodore Roosevelt: David McCullough in his book The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal explicitly discusses that the United States militarily interfered in the domestic affairs of Columbia. As a consequence of our naval action, Panama became independent of Columbia. We forced Panama to adopt a constitution that allowed America to have sovereignty over the area occupied by the Panama Canal.

Woodrow Wilson: The United States Invaded Haiti (1915-1934) and maintained troops in Haiti for twenty years. The U.S. sent troops to Haiti to protect our assets. We forced the election of a pro-American president, Philippe Dartiguenave. Subsequently, we helped maintain the notorious rule of the Duvalier regime (1957-1986) to “stop communism.”

Under Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson America invaded Cuba. Lastly, America invaded Mexico on several occasions during the reign of Woodrow Wilson.

Franklin Roosevelt: The United States between 1939-1941 was involved in an undeclared naval war against Nazi Germany to save Britain. President Lyndon Johnson used the “undeclared war precedent” to falsify incidents that led to our Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution led to a major escalation of our Vietnam War effort.

President Truman

  • Truman never got Congressional Approval for the Korean War, where some 36,000 Americans died.
  • Under Truman and Eisenhower, the United States bribed anti-communist politicians (Christian Democratic Party) in both Italy and France to prevent a communist takeover. We covertly provided financial support to prevent these countries from going Communist.

President Eisenhower

  • President Eisenhower approved the sending of a U2 spy plane over the Soviet Union.
  • The CIA overthrew the Iranian Prime Minister, Mohammed Mossadeq, in order to secure American and British financial interests of Iranian Oil. We removed a democratic Prime Minister in Favor of the Shah of Iran who ruled from 1953-1979.
  • The CIA in 1954 initiated a coup d’état in Guatemala to overthrow the democratically elected President, Jacobo Arbenz. We installed a military dictatorship, Carlos Armas.
  • Contrary to the terms of the 1954 Geneva Conference, the United States did not hold free elections in Viet Nam. Therefore, we kept in power Ngo Diem. President Eisenhower admitted that Ho Chi Minh would have won a free election in all of Vietnam decisively.
  • The United States had a hand in killing the Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo, Patrice Lumumba. Ultimately, the longtime dictator Mobutu replaced him.

President Kennedy

  • The Kennedy Administration approved explicitly a coup leading to the assassination of President Diem and his brother.
  • The Kennedy Administration financially supported the Bay of Pigs Invasion and on many occasions tried to assassinate Fidel Castro
  • There is significant evidence that the CIA aided the assassination of President Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic
  • President Lyndon Johnson
  • Repeatedly lied to Congress and the American public about his intentions in Vietnam. His administration distorted the truth about the Gulf of Tonkin. Under Johnson we increased the number of troops in Vietnam to 548,000 and bombed repeatedly North Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, some 58,000 Americans died and possibly 3 million Vietnamese.
  • The United States invaded the Dominican Republic with 22,000 troops in 1965 to install a conservative, non-military government

President Nixon

  • Nixon committed treason. That is, he deliberately undermined President Johnson’s peace initiatives to gain the presidency. The extension of the Vietnam War almost doubled the number of Americans who died and led to the death of at least one million more Vietnamese
  • Nixon secretly bombed Laos and Cambodia. The undermining of the Cambodian government ultimately led to the death of several million Cambodians.
  • We all know his role in Watergate, Dirty Tricks, etc.

President Ronald Reagan

  • President Reagan authorized the invasion of Grenada in 1983, an autonomous nation with 7,600 troops
  • The United States Invaded Lebanon in 1982
  • Iran-Contra affair: The United States facilitated the sale of arms to Iran which was subject to an arms embargo. We hoped the proceeds of the arms would fund arm sales to the Contras in Nicaragua.
  • Reagan ordered the bombing of Libya that killed Gaddafi’s daughter

President Bill Clinton

  • Clinton’s sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky a White House Intern was despicable
  • Clinton had extra marital affairs with Gennifer Flowers. He was accused by Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey of sexually assaulting them.
  • All that I can say, knowing Bill at Oxford, he chose the slimiest women ever!

George Bush 43

  • Our invasion of Iraq on the basis of their possessing weapons of mass destruction turned out to be a fabrication