The Economist reported a positive development in Morocco. In the little seaside town of Essaouira, in Morocco. Rabbis and cantors wish Muslims “Shabbat Shalom.” The Kingdom has made extensive effort to reach out to Jews of Moroccan descent.

Jews and Muslims participate for a week of concerts and dialogue.

When Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal in the 15th century, many fled to Morocco. The Jewish population rose to 250,000 by 1948. Today, fewer than 2,500 remain.

No Arab country has gone to the lengths of Morocco to revive its Jewish heritage. The kingdom has restored 110 synagogues and has the only Jewish museum in the Arab world.

Although there is no diplomatic relations between Israel and Morocco, some 50,000 Israelis visit the kingdom each year. Morocco has issued hundreds of passports each year to Israeli Jews of Moroccan descent. It helps Israelis travel to other Arab countries.