In America, does More Education Equal Less Religion?

Overall, U.S. adults with college degrees are less religious than others, but this pattern does not hold among Christians

Pew Research Center Survey showed the relationship between religion and education in the United States. We have a paradox. While people with higher levels of education on one level appear to question their belief in God, on the other hand Americans with college degrees report attending religious services as often as Americans with less education.

71% of Americans identify as Christians.
64% of College Educated identify as Christians
71% with some college identify as Christians
75% with high school degree or less describe themselves as Christians

College graduates (46%) are less likely than people with less education to say religion is “very important” in their lives.

College Grad

Some College

H.S. or less

Say religion is very important




Believe in God with absolute certainty




Pray Daily




Identify as atheist/agnostic




Catholics on the whole are less religiously observant than evangelicals, but more religious than mainline Christians. College Educated Mormons are very religiously observant.  77% attend church weekly. This compares to mainline Protestants where 36% attend weekly services.

In stark comparison non-Orthodox College Educated Jews have low levels of religious commitment. Only 2% attend services weekly; 6% say religion is very important; only 15% believe absolutely in God. In comparison Orthodox Jews have a high level of religious commitment. 62% attend services weekly, 83% say religion is important, and 89% believe absolutely in God.

There is no clear pattern when it comes to Muslims in regard to their education. Overall, Muslims are much more religious than either Christians or Jews. 47% attend services weekly; 69% say religion is important and 96% believe in God.

Several points revealed by the Pew Research surprised me. First of all, I would have guessed that more than 71% of Americans would have identified themselves as Christians. Secondly, I was surprised that only 64% of people who identify themselves as Catholics believe absolutely in God. Thirdly, I was surprised that only 15% of non- Orthodox Jews absolutely believe in God.

Originally published in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune