I want to thank Dr. Ken Stein for taking time out from his busy schedule to share with us his perspective on the historical ups and downs of the relationship between Israel and the United States.

Given the seemingly unending Mideast turmoil, I feel we are particularly fortunate to have ken’s insights.

Ken brings light not heat to this important subject

Let me now share with you my personal bias? I support AIPAC because i believe that this organization helps reinforce the special relationship between the United States and Israel

To achieve this alliance, AIPAC explicitly recognizes that

First of all: both nations are pluralistic democracies where there are multiple centers of power and a multiplicity of viewpoints expressed.

While on the surface one voice might be pleasing, the strength of our ideas are emboldened by gathering a consensus.

Secondly: AIPAC’s activities must be transparent, their message must be credible, and their actions must promote integrity in order to build binding trust

Thirdly: both nations must benefit for the relationship to have long-term viability.

As Abraham Lincoln said: you can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time!

AIPAC helps two allies—Israel and America—provide a light unto the nations.

Let me give you just a few examples of Israel’s commitment to our globe that i have learned through my AIPAC involvement

I learned of Israel’s provision of services to Haiti after its earthquake. It sent 220 medical doctors and other emergency responders to that beleaguered nations within days of the tragedy.

Israel is committing major energies to develop meaningful relationships with the countries of Asia—our globe’s most populous continent.

Lastly Israel has provided aid throughout the African continent—Ethiopia, Madagascar, and Kenya are just a few of the countries that Israel has helped.

Israel is sharing with these countries its use of desalination plants and drip-irrigation to enable their deserts to bloom.

How does AIPAC strengthen the linkage between America and Israel?

First of all, AIPAC spends considerable resources to educate the American public on why a democratic pro-western Israel is of vital interest to the United States.

Sadly, almost all of Israel’s neighbors are ruled by dysfunctional, anti-western dictatorships.

Secondly, AIPAC recognizes that America is a representative democracy where people of all religions, races, and ethnic backgrounds exercise their political voices.

Each year AIPAC reaches out to community leaders of all persuasions to educate them about the productive role of Israel.

Thirdly, AIPAC understands the challenge of educating each new generation of leadership regarding issues that are mutually important to America and Israel.

AIPAC continually identifies young leaders on American college campuses and educates them about the mutual interdependence of America and Israel.

Fourth of all, AIPAC understands the diverse political persuasion not only of Americans, but also of America’s Jewish community.
It therefore works hard on a bi-partisan basis to gain a consensus on important policy issues.

AIPAC takes pride of its overwhelming support from members of both sides of the aisle.

Fifth, AIPAC understands that the Jewish community in America is decreasing.

To counter this demographic trend, AIPAC actively outreaches to the African American, Latino and Christian communities.

Lastly, AIPAC serves as an education resource to tell the positive Israel story.

In brief, Israel has become a leader in many fields such as technology, pharma, and agriculture that provide immeasurable benefits globally.

In conclusion let me share this story with you. Hopefully, it will make you a believer that Jewish survival remains of vital world interest.

More than 300 years ago
Louis XIV, the FRENCH Sun King, asked Pascal, the noted French philosopher, to give him proof of the supernatural.